What does hypnosis feel like?
Have you ever lost yourself in a good book, or a good film? Well, this is exactly how hypnosis feels, because when we do, we are in a trance. Some say that about 90% of our behaviour is under the control of our unconscious mind. So hypnosis is something which feels very familiar. Some people experience it as a deep state of relaxation or a state of heightened concentration.
Can anyone be hypnotised?
The short answer is yes, but only if you want to. I cannot (and would not) hypnotise someone against their will. This is also why I do not take on a client who doesn’t truly want to change. It would be a waste of time for both of us and of money for the client. If you are not sure you want to embark on the change now, please bookmark my website and come back to it when you are ready. Then, we can work together.
What if I don't wake up?
I have never seen a client in this situation. If I were to leave a client in the middle of a hypnosis session, they would either fall asleep for a while and then wake up, or get bored open their eyes and leave the room. It is a myth that people can stay in hypnosis indefinitely.
Will I remember anything from the session?
Most people remember at least part of it, but it is also common to forget some of it.
How long do sessions last?
The sessions last between 60 and 90 minutes. In some instances, it can be helpful to arrange for a double session (smoking cessation would be an example).
What happens in a session?
The first session is taken up by a thorough history take so that I can find out more about the issue you are coming to see me for and what you want to achieve  (your solution state). The questions are designed to get the unconscious mind’s response, so may sound a bit unusual at times or difficult to answer. There is no right or wrong answer. I need to get as much information as possible to allow me to design the subsequent session(s) according to your needs. Each session is tailor-made for each client, so the techniques used for one smoker let’s say, are likely to be different to those used with another person coming for smoking cessation. I also write scripts that are specific to each person.
Is it safe? Will I lose control?
Hypnotherapy is very safe. To date, there has been no court case for malpractice brought on against a cognitive hypnotherapist. I help clients go into self-hypnosis and the client is in control all of the time. I guide them through to the solution state they aim to reach.
I adhere to the Code of Ethics of the CNHC (Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council), the NCH (National Council for Hypnotherapists) and the Quest Institute.
During a hypnotherapy session, the client has total control.

Hypnosis is a natural state which we all enter on a regular basis throughout the day. Have you even driven somewhere familiar, only to realise at the end of the journey that you can’t remember part of this journey? That happens when we are in a trance. Some say that about 90% of our behaviour is under the control of our unconscious mind, in other words, in hypnosis.

How many sessions will I need?
The number of sessions needed depends on the issues addressed and can vary a lot. I aim to follow my clients for the fewest number of sessions required to make a permanent change. I tend to offer a block booking of 6 sessions (unless working with children or teenagers or for simple phobias) as it allows us to make a lot of progress, and commitment to the therapy is a good indicator of potential success.
What about confidentiality?
A large part of the Codes of Ethics that I adhere to deals with the importance of confidentiality. I would not discuss what is being said in the sessions or in email conversations with anyone else (even a close relative), unless I have the express authorisation from my client. Obviously, the client is free to discuss their session with anyone.
What is I decide that hypnotherapy is not for me?
If you decide at the end of the initial consultation that hypnotherapy is not for you, or that I am not the right therapist for you, then you are under no obligation to continue working with me.
How do I choose a hypnotherapist?
Choosing the right hypnotherapist is an important step, as a good rapport with your therapist is essential to the success of the therapy. Find someone you are comfortable with, and who you can ultimately open to and trust. It’s a good idea to ring a few different therapists to help you in your choice. The Department of Health recommends CNHC-registered therapists and you can search their database here.
Here are a few pointers to help you choose
  • Does the therapist welcome your questions and answers them satisfactorily?
  • Is the therapist qualified and insured?
  • Is the therapist registered with the CNHC?
  • Do you think you’ll get on with the therapist and trust him/her?
  • Are they open about their fee?
  • Do they adhere to a Code of Ethics? You can check the Code of Ethics of the CNHC here.
  • The CNHC also has a page on their website to help clients choose the right therapist for them. You can access it here.
Muriel Bouvier Cognitive Hypnotherapist in East Finchley & Central London (Euston). Book a no-obligation consultation either by phone or in person, or get in touch on 020 8374 4468 or 07903 251 636. You can also email me through the “Contact Me” page and I shall reply as soon as possible.